VIRAL TIKTOK | Young man resigns from work over the phone in a call with his boss and users applaud the decision | Trends | YouTube | Social networks | United States | USA | nnda nnrt | VIRAL

Unusual and radically. A young man made an unusual call that was recorded on a clip, becoming video viral from TikTok. We refer to a publication that shows the precise moment in which the user Humza (@humzazafarbnb) quits his job over the phone. The images have more than 500 thousand reproductions.

Getting a job in good conditions is complicated. For this reason, some people have to settle for low-paid temporary jobs. Apparently @humzazafarbnb He was in this difficult situation for a long time.

However, the day came when Humza decided to call his boss to communicate a personal decision. I just wanted to call you and…give you my two weeks today”indicates the protagonist. “Okay, can I ask why?”says the person on the other side of the line, as detailed Daily Dot.

Facing the question of his manager, the man maintains that “I’m basically going to work at my new company that I started full time now, so I think now is the time for me to just…take the opportunity and do it”.

After listening to him, his now ex-boss simply responds with an “Ok”. Meanwhile, @humzazafarbnb rates the timing of his resignation “Like the day I took off my shackles and escaped corporate slavery”.

Social networks congratulate him

For their part, netizens supported Humza’s decision and sent him messages full of good wishes for his new venture. “Congratulations brother, not many can take this step”; “You don’t want to work for someone who doesn’t even have the heart to wish you luck and success”; “No good luck or congratulations?”were some of the comments.

What is the best way to quit your job?

according to website, these are the things to consider if you want quit your job without looking bad:

  • Make a well thought out decision.
  • Inform your boss of your decision.
  • Notify in advance.
  • Communicate your resignation in writing.
  • Always be positive.
  • Fulfill your obligations.
  • Make sure you comply with the clauses of the contract.
  • Prepare the transition.

What is a viral video?

And video viral It is a video that becomes popular after several people share it on the Internet through social networks, online services or specialized websites such as YouTube.

The reason why it is shared is because it causes fury and impact on the viewers who watch it, motivating them to spread it among all their acquaintances, and these in turn with their close circles and so on until reaching millions of views.

A viral video can have various types of content, ranging from the humorous to the tragic, and although in some cases, it could hurt susceptibilities, it can reach a large number of views in a short time.

What does it take for a video to go viral?

“For a video to be considered viral, it must be widely distributed on the web and reach a large number of views in a short time. There is no precise measure of how many views a video would have to have to be considered viral, but Business Insider made an article about it after the first million views”Explain

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