Watch the video.. Nassif Zeytoun comments on Adham Nabulsi’s retirement, and what did he say about the duet with Rahma Riad?

The most important and latest women’s news today: Saturday, January 8, 2022
With the details of the news: Women’s news: Watch the video.. Nassif Zaitoun comments on Adham Nabulsi’s retirement, and what did he say about the duet with Rahma Riad?

Eve: confirmed the star Nassif Zeytoun That there are factors for success, including talent, production, business management, the public and luck, but the most important thing is his mother’s prayers and the satisfaction of his late father.

On his happiness, Nassif said in an interview with the media, Mustafa Al-Agha, for the program “Echo of the stadiums” on the MBC channel: “My happiness is linked to several things, including what is related to me on a personal level, my life and my work, and a large part of it is related to my family, but now the most important thing is that I present a song and the audience likes it, so it is the subject of my family And my personal life we ​​leave him because that does not change.”

And whether the retired artist, Adham Nabulsi, was a competitor to him, Nassif Zeytoun said: “Yes, he was a competitor, and I consider any artist to be a competitor, and I was sad because I love competition and always a strong competitor, and Adham one of them raises the ceiling of competition and motivates you to be strong with him.”

And about a number of people attacking Adham, Nassif said: “It has nothing to do with me. I respect the art presented by Adham. He did not present vulgar art, but presented very good art. He is one of the first artists and has a distinguished voice. In the end, retirement is his choice, and the important thing is that he is comfortable.”

Nassif had revealed to the “Insider in Arabic” program that there is a “duet” that he will bring together with the Iraqi artist Rahma Riad, and that preparations are underway for it on a quiet fire.

Nassif had released his new song “Al Saree'” at the end of last year, which was written by Riad Al-Ali, composed by Ahmed Barakat, and arranged by Omar Sabbagh.

The song achieved more than three and a half million views on the social networking site “YouTube” within about twenty days of its release.

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