We will see Jupiter again in 2100… Jupiter’s 600,000 photos: ZUM News

2 hours of continuous shooting at 80 frames per second

Jupiter, the closest one in 59 years tonight

Jupiter was created by synthesizing about 600,000 photos. Andrew McCarthy’s Instagram

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A super-resolution image of Jupiter created by synthesizing about 600,000 images has been released.

American astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy recently posted this photo on his Instagram as part of a work commemorating Jupiter’s closest approach in 59 years since 1963.

McCarthy tweeted, “I took pictures for 2 hours at 80 frames per second using an 11-inch astronomical telescope, and then composited the images with photo processing software. ” he said.


The Seoul sky at 8:30 on the evening of September 26. Jupiter is at a lower elevation to the east and Saturn is to the right. Stellarium

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It won’t come this close until 2100

Jupiter’s closest approach to Earth is on the night of the 26th. At 7:32 p.m. on the 26th (World Standard Time, 4:32 a.m. Korean time on the 27th), it will approach the point 591.3 million,540 km from the Earth. It is 370 million kilometers closer than when it was the most distant from Earth (965 million kilometers). The two celestial bodies won’t get so close until at least 2100.

Jupiter is closest to the Earth and appears brightest when it is in line with the Sun with the Earth in between. This is called ‘chung’. This happens every 13 months on Jupiter. Now is the time. At this time, Jupiter can be seen all night because it appears from the east after sunset and sets in the western sky before dawn.

In particular, this time, the Earth and Jupiter are both approaching perihelion (the point closest to the Sun), so it is closer than the usual ‘chung’. Earth with an orbital period of one year will have its perihelion on January 4 next year, and for Jupiter with an orbital period of 12 years, January 20 of next year will be perihelion.


The position of the planets in the solar system around 4:30 a.m. on the 27th, when Jupiter and Earth are closest. Provided/Source=solarsystemscope, Senior Researcher Young-Sik Park

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Jupiter that led the way as an astrophotographer

McCarthy has been very interested in taking pictures of Jupiter since the beginning of his exposure to telescopes in 2017. After posting a picture of Jupiter on Instagram on the 17th, he said, “Looking at Jupiter through a telescope is part of my motivation to walk the path of an astrophotographer.

According to what he said on his personal website, once the object of observation is decided, he takes thousands of photos on a set date, and then uses image software to select the areas with the weakest visual disturbance effect in the atmosphere and attach them closely to complete a high-definition photo.


A photo of the moon released by McCarthy in August. It is a 174 million-pixel photo created by synthesizing 200,000 photos. Andrew McCarthy’s Instagram

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In August, McCarthy published a 174-megapixel photo of the moon, which was completed by synthesizing 200,000 photos.

Recently, he took first place in the ‘People and Space’ category at the ‘Astronomical Photographer of the Year’ contest hosted by the Greenwich Observatory in the UK. The award-winning photo is a momentary capture of the International Space Station flying in the background of the ‘Sea of ​​Silence’ on the moon where Apollo 11 landed.

By Kwak No-pil, senior staff reporter [email protected]

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