What are the effects of quitting smoking?

For the body, quitting smoking is a real upheaval whose positive repercussions on health clearly counterbalance the difficulties caused by nicotine withdrawal.

The lack of nicotine is often one of the effects feared by the majority of smokers wishing to put an end to their addiction. Making weight, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, anxiety… the symptoms induced by nicotine withdrawal can be numerous and intense in the first days. But they don’t last! Time remains the best ally of the abstinent smoker! Gradually, the physical signs of lack will fade until they disappear completely. The psychological dependenceon the other hand, will take much longer to subside and will require a lot of energy to overcome.

Manage negative effects

Admittedly, the symptoms of withdrawal are not always very well experienced, but they can be relieved or accompanied in various ways. For quitting smoking to be lasting, it is important to know how to ask for help. According to Tabac info service, a smoker who wishes to quit smoking has 70 % more likely to succeed if he gets help from a professional health. Another advantage of weaning assistance: nicotine substitutes are covered by theHealth Insurance. For some candidates for quitting, patches and other chewing gum are an interesting alternative to gently eliminate nicotine from their body. For the rest, everyone has their own method! Keeping your mind busy, increasing your sporting activity, encouraging yourself, relaxing… All the techniques are good as long as they meet the needs of the ex-smoker.

Build on positive effects

The health benefits of quitting smoking are among the most effective sources of motivation. It must be said that in just a few hours after the last cigarette, the first effects already appear ! At the end of 12 h of abstinence, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood drops by half and the cells are oxygenated normally. 72 hours later, breathing is more natural while the risk of heart attack begins to decrease in just two weeks. Breath, smell, taste, energy… all these counters are boosted to the maximum in a very short time! You should also know thatstop smoking increases life expectancy. Quit tobacco 40 ansfor example, extend life expectancy about seven years.

Do the lungs regenerate after quitting smoking?

When you make the decision not to touch a cigarette, the hours following this decision, your lungs begin the process of regeneration. On the Nature site, they stipulate that our lungs have a natural ability to regenerate.

What is the most difficult time when a smoker quits smoking?

In the 24 hours that follow, the aforementioned physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal begin to surface. Symptoms get worse and worse after 72 hours without touching any cigarettes. After a month, the smoker can go through a huge crisis ofanguishof stressand of anger. All of these emotions may cause some smokers to reoffend and others to go through with their decision not to touch a single cigarette in their life. At the end of 2 to 3 three monthsthe symptoms have almost all disappeared to give way to a brighter mind and body.

Is it dangerous to quit smoking suddenly?

No risk in this regard. Besides, it is rather beneficial for you. Certainly, moments ofdiscomforts will surface following this systematic shutdown, but the benefit is worth it. So there is no risk in quitting smoking suddenly.

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