What are the health benefits of climate action?

As the COP 27 for the climate continues, Health is at the heart of the issues. During the Congress RIFRESS 2022 which was held in Brussels last September, Dr. Claudel Pétrin-Desrosiers, doctor and head of planetary health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal, shed light on the benefits of climate action on health and on the initiatives to be taken to improve the planet.

The climate issue is in his view the greatest current challenge. Never before had she seen the issue of the climate crisis as a health issue. And yet:

« In Montreal, heat waves create an increase in mortality of 12 to 15%. This increases the pressure on emergency services and consultations in general, but also the number of chronic medical complications “, she explains.

Climate action improves everyone’s health

Improving air quality in particular would be one of the great benefits: ” We know that pollution is the biggest killer in the world, a silent killer. Some recent studies estimate that 1 in 5 deaths worldwide is linked to the combustion of fossil fuels. And according to the WHO, it would be one in eight deaths. By improving the quality of the air, we would be able, in Canada, to save costs for health care of approximately 120 billion dollars. Unfortunately, we are very far from climate actions which nevertheless protect the health of our patients “, continues the head of planetary health.

« The Paris agreement indeed tells us to try to limit global warming to 1.5°C, or even 2°C if possible, but Canada is a very poor student “, she admits. ” And drought, population displacements, the aggravation of civil conflicts, floods, torrential rains, among others are the consequences that we will continue to suffer. “, she continues.

« Canada is not meeting any climate commitments so far. However, the environment is responsible for about 70% of a person’s state of health. 1 in 4 deaths worldwide according to the WHO is linked to environmental causes and yet these issues are not raised. »

We can heal without polluting

« We know that the health network is responsible for approximately 5% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. If it was a country it would be the biggest polluter “says the family doctor.

« Several concrete actions can be carried out “, she continues. ” Such as reducing waste in hospitals, improving practices in an eco-responsible way and reducing the use of certain drugs which are particularly harmful to the environment. I am thinking in particular of certain anesthetic gases and certain inhalers such as those of the HFA type.»

« We need more consistency in hospitals and I think we can be able to treat without polluting “, she says.

« The other challenge for hospitals “says Claudel Pétrin-Desrosiers, “ it is the challenge of adapting to the impact of environmental changes on health, with the arrival of new diseases, and probably a fairly catastrophic increase in health costs.»

The eco-benefits

« In Canada, we rarely talk about the health benefits of climate action “, she finds.

« In project costs, it is rare to see the health gains that will result. However, climate action does not cost that much and is even a very good investment.»

Responsible for planetary health: what is it?

« Responsible for planetary health, it may seem a little pretentious “, she admits. ” Planetary health is a comprehensive view of health that studies not only the health of human beings but also the health of all living things and ecosystems. It recognizes that we cannot be healthy if we do not take care of the environment. explains Claudel Pétrin-Desrosiers.

« If we were to schematize planetary health“, she explains, “ it seems that in the center there is the interconnection with nature. Then there is the link we maintain with the environment and the link that the environment gives back to us. Then there are the issues of equity and social justice, the capacity to create movements and reflect on complex systems. The challenges ahead are complex continues Claudel Pétrin-Desrosiers, “ and that requires an ability to be able to get out of the silo and be able to work in collaboration with other people

« Planetary health will allow us to get out of the problems of malnutrition, infectious and communicable diseases, and will help us understand the cause of the diseases of the 21st century. “, she explains. “Whether it is by adopting practices or thinking in committee, the position of planetary health manager in my department makes it possible to establish this priority and to have a central point to which people can turn with regard to this priority. “, she concludes.

This article was written by Carole Stavart and originally published on MediQuality.

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