what is the activity for people recovered from breast cancer in Cipolletti about

2023-05-29 19:48:18

From the Secretary of Physical Activity and Sports they confirmed that the registration to participate in Remo Rosa, the canoeing class for adults recovered from breast cancer, has been opened. It will take place in the boathouse located in the Isla Jordán Coastal Park. Last week another activity was developed for women with cancer in Cipolletti.

Boating classes are held lSaturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Jordan Island boathouse.

They assured that the activity is intended exclusively for people recovered from breast cancer. Natalia Lallana is the teacher in charge of the classes and she remarked that «the activity is carried out in double crossing boatsindividual, stable, safe boats and each one of them with its corresponding life jacket.

And he added: “The canoeing classes for the group “Remo Rosa” at the municipal canoeing school, on Jordan Island, is made up of a group of 14 womenrecovered from breast cancer.

What are the benefits of canoeing in people recovered from breast cancer

Lallana described canoeing as “a therapeutic activity for women who have traveled this long road that is breast cancer. From her experience, she explained that: «The cyclical and repetitive movements of paddling, paddling, act as natural lymphatic drainage, preventing post mastectomy lymphedema, which is a swelling in the arm that can appear”.

The person in charge of the activity described the benefits of the activity and what is the objective they seek. “Rowing or canoeing is a low impact activity, strengthens the upper bodythe extremities, is a safe activity. We row to raise awarenessso that women carry out the corresponding controls and check-ups on early detection”, he concluded.

In order to register, it can be done in person at the Secretary of Physical Activity and Sports located on the fifth floor of the municipal building at Yrigoyen 379. Or sending by email to: [email protected].

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