What to do if vitamin D is insufficient?The National Health Administration promotes “these 4 kinds of” dietary supplements – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

According to the National Health Service, vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient and is found in foods rich in fat, such as mackerel. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]After the autumnal equinox, there will be less time to bask in the sun, so let’s supplement vitamin D by eating! The National Health Administration said that if you want to supplement vitamin D, you can make your body synthesize vitamin D by sun exposure and get it from food, and shared 4 kinds of diets that can not only supplement vitamin D, but also get high-quality protein.

The National Health Service posted on the Facebook fan page “eat healthy“The article mentioned that as the time comes to the end of September, the daytime after the autumnal equinox is short, the night is long, and the time to be in the sun after get off work is reduced. It is recommended to choose more foods containing vitamin D and supplement it. .

Mackerel, eel, eggs, fresh milk are rich in vitamin D

According to the National Health Administration, vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient and will be found in foods rich in fat, such as mackerel, eel and other fish, eggs, and fresh milk. In the sun, you can try 1 cup of milk every morning and evening, drink enough dairy products first, and choose more fish and eggs for beans, fish, eggs and meat, not only to get high-quality protein, but also to supplement vitamin D at the same time.

The National Health Administration pointed out that vitamin D not only helps calcium absorption and protects bones, but is also an important nutrient for maintaining immunity. It reminds that in addition to the above foods, don’t forget to buy lunch at noon or get off work on time, you should hurry and seize the time to go out in the sun. sun, get vitamin D from sunlight.

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