What to feed a person with high blood glucose levels

Glucose is an important energy source for body and brain cells. Most foods that are eaten are converted to sugar (also called glucose), which is released into the bloodstream.

Additionally, the substance is a building block of carbohydrates found in foods such as fruit, cereal, bread, pasta, and rice. Although glucose is important, it is best consumed in moderation.

The pancreas is involved in this process, as it produces a hormone called insulin that acts like a key that allows blood sugar to enter the cells correctly. When insulin metabolism does not work properly, tissue cells stop assimilating glucose and it accumulates in the blood.

According to the Sanitas Group of Spain, it is recommended that blood glucose be measured upon waking up and before breakfast. In the morning, fasting, these levels are lower, they rise after each meal (postprandial blood glucose) and drop again two hours later, specialists explain.

Those people who suffer from problems related to glucose should keep it controlled daily. There are multiple ways to do this. the most important of them is to consult the doctor so as not to aggravate the problem.

Diet is one such method to consider to control blood glucose levels. Taking this into account, the portal Healthline listed a series of Foods that can be eaten by those with this condition:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables: vegetables such as spinach, chard and lettuce contain a high level of nutrients, especially magnesium, potassium and vitamin K. In addition, their low number of calories makes them a staple food group for treating diabetes.

2. Egg: Regular egg consumption can help prevent heart disease. In addition, insulin sensitivity improves and good cholesterol levels increase. The important thing when consuming them is not to subtract the yolk, because that is where there are more nutrients.

3. Oily fish: It is a healthy, lean protein that contains a type of fat called omega-3 and fatty acids that can help protect the heart. They also effectively prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

4. Cinnamon: As has been analyzed in some research, it helps improve functioning and increase insulin levels, the hormone that is responsible for regulating sugar. To this is added that its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have some impact on the functioning of the pancreas.

5. Chia Seeds: These seeds help improve digestive health because they are rich in soluble fiber, and they form a gel in the intestine. This helps slow digestion and prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar. They can be added to salads and smoothies. They can last up to four years in the pantry.

In addition to the above, the specialized portal Know how to livelisted some tricks with which it is possible to maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of experiencing a glucose spike:

  • Not counting calories: it is advisable to stop counting calories, as not all contain the same nutritional value. That is the calories that, for example, fruit contains are not of the same quality that a soft drink contains.
  • Salty breakfast: This advice does not refer to an excessive amount of salt at breakfast, but to the fact that it is better that it be salty and not sweet. Starting your day with foods like this can keep your blood glucose levels skyrocketing.

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