WhatsApp: the “secret” function to know who entered your profile

Pay attention to the trick that the messaging application hides to make the most of its operating possibilities.

In WhatsApp It is normal for you to discover different tricks that allow you to make the most of the operation of the application. Next, we leave you the following trick to discover new uses and surprise your contacts. Pay attention and find out.

WhatsApp: the “secret” function to know who entered your profile

To find out if someone has reviewed your WhatsApp profile, it is very easy to find out. You just have to turn to the states. As is well known, Users can share different content for 24 hours, be it photos, videos or even texts. And, after that time, what is published is automatically deleted.

For that reason it is very simple to find out if someone is stalking you and you just have to follow these steps:

  • Share something in your states and let some time pass.
  • go to ‘States’ sectionwhich is located right next to the ‘Chats’ tab on both Android and iPhone phones.
  • press on ‘My status’ to access it and, upon entering, click on the icon Of the eye.
  • should open a window showing those contacts who viewed your status and with this you will know the identity of those people who stalked your content. If one of those people often looks at your statuses, it is very likely that they also visit your profile constantly.

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