Why do skin diseases get worse in summer?

The doctor, speaking to Gazeta.Ru, notes that these factors include high temperature, air humidity, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and a change in lifestyle.

“Hot weather and sun exposure increase sebum production, causing a rash on the face and sometimes the back, shoulders and chest — swelling, blisters and hardening under the skin that is red or bluish-purple in colour,” she says.

According to her, the exacerbation of herpes (a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus that appears in the form of blisters grouped against a background of redness of the skin) may be associated with the result of exposure to sunlight.

“Atopic dermatitis (a chronic inflammatory disease that disrupts the skin’s protective barrier) can worsen in the summer,” she says. “The skin becomes dry and sensitive, and develops an itchy rash with spots, papules and wrinkles. In children, it appears on the face, knees, elbows and trunk. In adults, it usually appears on the face, hands, knees and elbows.”

According to her, another chronic skin disease that brings unpleasant sensations in the summer season is psoriasis. This disease manifests itself in the form of red swellings and plaques covered with a silvery-white crust. The causes of this disease have not yet been precisely and definitively determined, but experts believe that genetic predisposition, immune system disorders and external factors may play a role in its development.

She says: “To prevent the exacerbation of these diseases and others, one must follow the rules of prevention, which include using an appropriate sunscreen that does not cause allergies or exacerbate skin diseases, wearing light clothing and hats, and not being exposed to the sun during its peak activity from 11 am to 4 pm. Creams must also be used to moisturize the skin to maintain its protective functions.”

Source: Gazeta.Ru

#skin #diseases #worse #summer
2024-08-11 23:31:06



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