Working life in Luxembourg: How many years do we work in total?

PostedJuly 6, 2022, 7:40 PM

LUXEMBOURG – The working life of workers in Luxembourg is one of the shortest in the European Union.

The active life of women has increased considerably in 20 years.

In 2021, workers in Luxembourg starting their careers should expect to work an average of 36.4 years. This is almost two years less than the European average (38.2 years), according to data published Wednesday by Eurostat. It is in Romania and Italy that the duration of working life is the lowest (under 32 years) and in Sweden and the countries that it is the highest (over 42 years).

With gender differences: in all countries – except Lithuania and Estonia – men’s careers are longer than women’s. In Luxembourg, men work an average of 36.4 years compared to 33.1 years for women (38.2 years and 33.7 years at European level). it is in Italy that women work the shortest time (less than 28 years), ie 13 years less than in Sweden where they are active for 41 years.

Almost 10 more years for women’s careers

And if the duration of the European average active life has not stopped growing (+3.6 years between 2001 and 2021), it is first and above all because the career of women has lengthened over the last 20 years. . She has indeed “gained” almost 5 years (against only 2.4 years for that of men).

And it’s quite spectacular in Luxembourg: it went from 23.6 years in 2001 to 33.1 years in 2021, an increase of almost 10 years! Against a small increase of only 2.3 years for that of men. An extension no doubt partly due to the measures put in place to help women reconcile professional and personal life when they previously felt forced to choose.


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