World Mental Health Day.. Know the difference between symptoms of anxiety and depression and their treatment

On October 10 of each year, the world celebrates World Mental Health Day, and one of the most prominent common diseases that affect Psychological health Depression and anxiety, so we know the differences between them and how to treat them, according to the “Health” website.

What is depression?

It is normal to feel frustrated, sad, or hopeless in painful or difficult situations. However, if feelings of emptiness or sadness persist for more than two weeks, they are signs of depression, especially when positive events or improvements in the environment are unable to lift the mood.

This mental health disorder is characterized by loss of interest in activities, restlessness, irritability, anger, feeling sluggish, lack of energy, changes in appetite and weight, digestive problems, sleep problems, etc. Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of suicide or death.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is characterized by persistent and excessive fear and anxiety about day-to-day operations. One often experiences rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, sweating, and fatigue when anxious.

This condition is part of an individual’s response to stress. The main signs of persistent anxiety include physical restlessness, irritability, trouble sleeping, feeling dread, panicked, or doomed, persistent tiredness, brain fog, and difficulty managing fear and anxiety.

The interaction between anxiety and depression

Sometimes depression and anxiety can coexistDepression can be caused by panic disorder or persistent anxiety, and anxiety can be a symptom of depression.

Although not everyone with anxiety, depression, or both conditions will experience the same set of symptoms, there are many overlapping symptoms of the two.

Symptoms he or she may have with depression or anxiety include changes in energy level, stomach problems for no apparent reason, aches and pains, increased irritability, difficulty with memory, focus, and concentration, and changes in sleep patterns.

Depression and anxiety: how are they different?

Depression and anxiety are two types of mood disorders.

The basic symptoms are the main differences between the two conditions.

Depression brings on a constant feeling of sadness.

The person tends to lose interest in the activities they used to love, and there is a lack of energy. Some people with depression even want to harm themselves.

Anxiety is an intense and uncontrollable worry or fear. Depending on the degree of anxiety and the type of disorder, a person may feel anxious during daily activities such as meeting new people.

5 tips for dealing with depression and anxiety to maintain positive mental health:

1. Self-care

Things that help a person live well can improve physical and mental health. Self-care helps reduce stress, reduce chances of illness, and increase energy. Devoting a little time to self-care in your daily routine can make a big impact.

Some self-care activities include exercising regularly, prioritizing sleep, practicing gratitude, focusing on positivity, etc.

2. Meditation

Meditation produces a calm mind in a deep state of relaxation. During meditation, one eliminates all the jumbled thoughts that crowd the mind and cause stress by focusing on the breath. Being active improves physical and emotional health.

3. Keep daily memories in a diary

The journal is a useful mental health management tool. It helps to deal with overwhelming emotions by expressing them in written form. Journaling helps control symptoms and lifts mood by prioritizing problems and fears, identifying negative thoughts and behaviors, and engaging in positive self-talk.

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