How to find the font used on a web page?

How to find the font used on a web page?

2024-08-20 10:30:11

The web is full of original and elegant fonts that you might want to use on your own pages or documents. As you might know, a large number of fonts are paid. However, it is possible to find free versions that are more or less similar to the original.

Some sites are particularly pleasant to visit and this good impression is often due to the quality of the fonts (sourcessources) used in the layout, particularly on titles – as for the running text, sobriety promotes good readability.

Capture an image of the font in use

When you spot a font you like, how do you identify it so you can use it in one of your designs? The first step is to capture a phrase or a sequence of characters with that font, preferably with a good variety of letters.

On MacOS, you can capture such an image using the key combination “Shift Cmd and 4”. Adjust the selection to obtain the desired sample. On Windows, the combination to use is “Windows Shift S”. On MacOS, you will find the screenshot on the desktop. On Windows, the capture appears in theapplicationapplication Screenshot and you have to click on the icon of backupbackup to get it back.

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Once you have the image with the font you are looking for, two options open up. If you are willing to pay to have the font in question, is a good choice. Locate the “WhatTheFont” option in the menu. Choose “upload image” and then load the image you captured earlier. Adjust the scope of the area to be analyzed and then choose “Identify Font”.

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Font Squirrel

If you want to get preferably free or relatively cheap fonts, you can try Font Squirrel. From the menu, choose “Font Identifier” and upload the image captured earlier. Then click “Match it!”.

On the answer page, you may notice (a little further down) that the parsing was not perfect. In this case, choose “Manually adjust” and correct the forms by indicating which is the correct letter where the parsing did not work well. Then click “Matcherate It!” again.

Now, in the list of answers, you have a series of fonts, both paid (blue arrow) and free (orange arrow and FREE indication). It is sometimes possible to find what you are looking for in free fonts, but if the one you are looking for is quite rare, it will be difficult to find a satisfactory form without spending a fortune.

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