Yoon’s Festive Treasure Trove: The Surge of Pre-Owned Tech Exchange

second-hand trading platform ‘Joonggonara’ on the 12th. Joonggonara app Galmuri”/>View image larger

“This year, the composition is good, so we are raising the price higher than last year. It is President Yoon Seok-yeol’s Chuseok gift set.”

This is a post that was uploaded to the secondhand trading platform ‘Carrot’ six days ago. On the 4th, the Office of the President delivered Chuseok gift sets containing traditional liquors such as doraji yakju and yuja yakju and regional specialties such as pear jam and green tangerine hand cream to various figures. This gift set contained two bottles of traditional liquor. If you search online secondhand trading platforms such as Carrot and Junggonara on the 13th, you can find 5-6 posts selling President Yoon’s Chuseok gift sets for 220,000 to 300,000 won on that day alone. The price of the Office of the President’s Chuseok gifts, which were sold for 100,000 to 200,000 won last year, went up even further this year, going for up to 300,000 won.

Ahead of the Chuseok holiday, the practice of selling gift sets that are difficult to dispose of on second-hand trading platforms is once again popular. On the day before the Chuseok holiday, online second-hand trading platforms were flooded with posts offering to sell various gift sets, including spam, red ginseng, tuna, and fruit, second-hand. These are people who have taken up the so-called “holiday tech” (a compound word of “holiday” and “financial technology”) to combat high prices. A Carrot official told Hankyoreh, “As the holiday approaches, keywords such as gift sets and hanbok rise to the top of the search rankings.”

Presidential Chuseok gift sets posted on the second-hand trading platform 'Joonggonara' on the 12th. Joonggonara app GalmuriView image larger

Sellers who emphasized that the condition was good enough to be ‘resold’ stood out. This is because you can buy it cheaply and give it as a Chuseok gift to your parents or acquaintances without it seeming like a ‘second-hand transaction’. In this case, it was important how clean the ‘shopping bag’ included with the gift was. Many sellers put the phrase ‘shopping bag included’ or ‘shopping bag enclosed’ in the title, or emphasized that “it’s a new product and comes with a shopping bag, so it’s good as a gift for your parents” or “there’s no problem giving it as a gift because the shopping bag is still intact.”

Chuseok gifts ordered in bulk by companies are typical ‘holiday tech’ items. Some sellers did not hide the fact that they received them from the company, saying things like, “This is a ham set that I received yesterday as a Chuseok gift from the company” and “I received powdered milk as a holiday gift, but I am selling it because I am breastfeeding.”

Health functional food gift set posted on the second-hand trading platform 'Carrot'. Carrot app GalmuriView image larger

Until last year, second-hand trading was illegal, but the second-hand trading of health functional food gift sets, which was temporarily allowed, was also active. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety allowed the second-hand trading of health functional foods as a pilot project for one year starting in May, with the following conditions: △Expiration date of 6 months or more, room temperature or room temperature products, △Sales possible 10 times or less per year, cumulative sales of 300,000 won or less. This is why, unlike last year, posts selling red ginseng and vitamins received as holiday gifts accounted for 20-30% of all transaction posts this Chuseok.

However, not all items received as holiday gifts can be traded as second-hand items. Alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, wine, and non-alcoholic beer are difficult to trade as second-hand items even if they are received as holiday gifts. This is because individuals cannot sell alcoholic beverages without a liquor sales license.

You may not sell large-volume food or cosmetics by arbitrarily dividing them into smaller containers. If you sell large-volume cosmetics in smaller containers without registering your cosmetics sales business, you are violating the Cosmetics Act. You must also obtain a business license if you arbitrarily divide and sell large-volume foods.

Also, second-hand trading of supplies purchased from the military, police, military marts, etc. is prohibited. Second-hand trading of local love gift certificates and Onnuri gift certificates provided by the government for Chuseok is also a violation of the law.

A carrot official said, “Before trading, you should check the ‘Secondhand Transaction Guidelines’ to check for prohibited items and precautions to keep in mind when trading.”

Reporter Lim Jae-woo abbado@hani.co.kr

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What factors are driving the popularity of ⁤second-hand gift⁣ sets during the‍ Chuseok‍ holiday? ​

The ‍Rise of “Holiday Tech”: The ‍Boom ⁤of​ Second-Hand Gift⁤ Sets on Online Marketplaces

As​ the Chuseok holiday approaches, a peculiar phenomenon has taken the‍ online second-hand trading world by storm. Gift sets, typically received from companies, friends, and family⁣ during the festive‍ season, are being sold on online marketplaces at exorbitant prices. This trend, dubbed ‌”holiday tech,” ⁣has become increasingly popular, with ⁣sellers cashing in on the high demand for these gifts.

The ⁣President’s ⁤Gift Sets: A Hot​ Commodity

One such example‌ is the President’s‌ Chuseok gift set,⁤ which contains traditional liquors, regional specialties, and⁣ other ⁢luxurious items.⁣ These sets, initially delivered to various figures, have found their⁣ way onto second-hand trading platforms, with prices ranging ⁣from‌ 220,000 to 300,000 won. This represents a‌ significant increase from last year’s prices, which ranged from 100,000 to 200,000 won.

The ​Art of Reselling

Sellers ⁣have become‌ creative in marketing their second-hand gift sets, emphasizing the condition of the products and⁤ the⁢ inclusion of original packaging and shopping bags. This allows‌ buyers to purchase the items⁤ at a lower price and gift them to​ their loved ones without any hint of being second-hand. The phrase “shopping bag included” has become a common selling point, with many sellers⁢ highlighting​ the pristine condition⁢ of the packaging to justify the‌ higher prices.

Bulk Orders: A Lucrative​ Business

Companies often order gift ‍sets in bulk, which are then resold‌ on ‍online marketplaces. Sellers‍ have been ⁢open about receiving these gifts from their ​employers, with some even acknowledging the origin of the items⁢ in their listings. This has led to a thriving market for second-hand gift⁢ sets, with demand reaching an all-time high during the ‌Chuseok holiday.

Health Functional Food Gift Sets: A⁤ Temporary ⁣Reprieve

In a ‌surprising move,⁢ the Ministry of Food and Drug ⁢Safety allowed the second-hand trading of health functional foods as a⁣ pilot project, effective‍ from ⁣May. This ⁤temporary relaxation of rules has led ⁤to ⁢a ‍surge‍ in ‌the sale of red‍ ginseng, ​vitamins, and other health supplements received as holiday gifts. ​With the expiration date ⁤of these products extending ⁤beyond‌ six months, sellers have ⁣been ‌able ‌to capitalize on the high demand, with⁢ prices reaching up to ​30% of ‍all‍ transaction posts this Chuseok.

The‍ Dark Side of “Holiday Tech”

While the rise of “holiday tech” ⁣has⁣ created‌ a​ lucrative opportunity for sellers, it also ‍raises concerns about the ⁤legitimacy of these transactions. Not all items received as ​holiday gifts can be traded on online marketplaces, and the lack of regulation in this space has led to ​concerns about product authenticity and safety.

The Future of⁢ Online Marketplaces

As the popularity of “holiday ⁤tech” continues ⁢to grow, online marketplaces are likely to play an increasingly important⁤ role in facilitating these transactions. However, it is essential for ⁤these⁤ platforms to ensure that‍ sellers‍ comply with regulations and provide ‌a safe and transparent environment for buyers.‍ With the Chuseok holiday around the corner, it remains to⁣ be ⁤seen how this trend will‌ evolve and what implications it will have on⁢ the online second-hand trading‍ ecosystem.

Optimized Keywords:

Holiday ‍tech

Second-hand​ gift sets

Chuseok holiday

Online marketplaces

⁤President’s​ Chuseok gift set

Health functional food gift sets

Second-hand trading

Online​ trading platforms

Korea ecommerce

Holiday ⁣gifts

What types of Chuseok gift sets are most commonly traded in the second-hand market?

The Rise of “Holiday Tech”: Second-Hand Trading of Chuseok Gift Sets Becomes a Lucrative Business

As the Chuseok holiday approaches, a peculiar trend has emerged in South Korea’s second-hand trading market. Gift sets, received from companies and government officials, are being resold online for exorbitant prices. This phenomenon, dubbed “holiday tech,” has become a lucrative business, with sellers raking in profits by peddling these “unwanted” gifts.

Presidential Gift Sets: A Hot Commodity



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