Zhou Yukou may affect the whole Taiwan election, Ke Wenzhe chokes on the green: if she has the ability, she will cut it and say that she spoke inappropriately | Politics | Newtalk News

Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe.Photo: Zhou Xuanhui / photo

The media person Zhou Yukou has recently frequently attacked the former scandal case of Chiang Wan-an’s father Jiang Xiaoyan, a candidate for the Taipei mayor of the Kuomintang. Lanbai shouted “voting for Zhou Yuko means supporting (DPP candidate) Chen Shizhong”, Chen claimed that he and Zhou were only on official business Contacts, no friendship in private, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe is sour today (27th), he has long said that using the Internet army and famous mouth to govern the country will definitely be retribution, and that the DPP has the ability to cut Zhou Yukou, saying that her speech was inappropriate.

Ke Wenzhe went to various committees of the Taipei City Council in the afternoon to present fruits. After the meeting, he was interviewed by the media. He was asked by Chen Shizhong that he could not ask Zhou Yukou not to speak. Governing the country with a famous mouth will definitely be retributed. After biting someone with her, I feel very happy, but now I can’t control it, what should I do?And not only is it uncontrolled, but it also bites you backwards, and if you say something like this, you will be bitten, “I guess it will be like this.」。

Asked for outside interpretationZhou Yukou took the opportunity to promote a blue-green showdown, but instead took away the votes of the non-party candidate Huang Shanshan?Ke Wenzhe said, to be honest, Taiwan’s society is not normal, this should not happen at all. Every day, everyone is in a mood to eat melons and everyone is watching a good show.

As for Zhou Yukou, it may causeSpillover effect, affecting elections?Ke Wenzhe bluntly said that it will affect the election situation in Taiwan.Let’s see who of the DPP Central Party Headquarters speaks out and condemns her for speaking inappropriately. Otherwise, what to do now?Tied together, Ke said with a smile, watching the pictures on the Internet, “voting for Chen Shizhong is to support Zhou Yuko”, he just finished speaking, Zhou Yuko came out and said, voting for Shen Huihong is to support Zhou Yuko, “Shout a few more.Watching and voting for XXX is to support Zhou Yukou. In the future, you only need to post this for each county and city election.」。

As for the media’s questioning, will Zhou Yukou’s actions lead to the death of the DPP? Ke Wenzhe smiled back, “N belongs to N”.

Zhou Yukou may affect the election of the whole Taiwan.

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