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Water shortage on Greek holiday islands

Water shortage on Greek holiday islands

Here in the Netherlands it has been wetter than wet in recent months, but in Greece it has … Read more

The municipality is gathering strength after recent events

After yesterday’s shooting in Hovsjö, the municipality of Södertälje cooperates with the police and other actors to provide … Read more

Landlord discovered smoke from window – had to alert unsuspecting resident

Fortunately, a passer-by took action when he discovered on Friday afternoon that there was smoke coming out of … Read more

Types of boat engines that can be imported to Cuba under the new law (+prices) 2024-07-27 01:40:59

The Cuban parliament has approved a law that aims to revolutionize fishing on the island. Cubans will now … Read more

Theodorikakos on the anniversary of the restoration of the Republic: “We march with the values ​​of patriotism, freedom and solidarity” 2024-07-27 01:39:00

Mr. Theodorikakos points out that the security and sustainable perspective of the Greeks is linked to a new … Read more