[스포츠]High jump Woo Sang-hyeok Golden Haunting…”2024 Paris Olympic gold medal challenge”

The men’s high jump world champion Woo Sang-hyeok took the gold medal and returned to gold.

Woo Sang-hyuk became the first Korean to win a gold medal in the high jump final of the World Indoor Athletics Championships held in Serbia on the 20th, jumping 2m 34.

Woo Sang-hyeok, who was warmly welcomed at the arrival hall at Incheon International Airport, said that he would first exceed the current goal of 2m 38 and then challenge up to 2m 40 to win the gold medal at the Paris Olympics in 2024.

Woo Sang-hyeok, who is currently ranked as the ‘World Leader’, which is currently ranked No. 1 in the world, starts training again without a break for the Oregon World Championships in July and the Asian Games in Hangzhou in September.

Let’s listen to Woo Sang-hyeok’s impressions of entering the country.

[우상혁 / 높이뛰기 국가대표·세계랭킹 1위 : 막상 1등이 되고 나서, 확정 짓고 나니까 무거웠던 짐들이 다 내려간 것 같습니다. ‘봤나, 내가 지금 현재 랭킹 1등이다. 이제부터 시작이다’. 오리건에서 있는 (실외) 세계선수권 우승을 목표로 준비하는 게 첫 번째 목표고요. 장기적인 목표는 언제나 말했듯이 2024년 파리올림픽 우승하는 게 최종 목표입니다.]

YTN Jo Eun-ji (zone4@ytn.co.kr)

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