Park Gun ♥ Han Young, wedding on April 26 “Simple with adults and relatives from both families”

[스포츠서울 | 남서영기자]Park Gun and Han Young are getting married on April 26th.

On the 3rd, an article titled ‘♥To the families of the Army Parker♥’ was posted on Park’s fan cafe ‘Park Army Division’.

In the article, Park said, “Fellow members of the Army Corps Park, I have finally decided on a wedding date with my precious person, and I am writing to inform the members of the Park Military Division family. We made the ceremony simple,” he said.

He added, “I am always grateful for the support of many of my family members.

On the other hand, Park Goon and Han Young, who received attention as an 8-year-old couple, admitted that they were dating on February 28. Afterwards, Park said through his SNS, “I have grown a pretty love with Han-young, who was by my side whenever her dreams shook and comforted her. From now on, I will live happily so that I will not be lonely any longer according to the words of my fans.”

photo source| Hanyoung SNS

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