With a simple trick you can stop the annoying itching

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Created: 7/3/2022 1:04 p.m

Von: Lea-Sophie Mollus


Mosquitoes quickly become a nuisance in summer. The itchy bites are particularly annoying. A home remedy puts an end to the itching.

Kassel – The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising: Der Sommer comes. But the whole thing has a bad aftertaste. We are talking about the annoying mosquitoes that suck blood out of the skin with their proboscis and leave behind unsightly swollen areas and annoying itching. Around There are various ways and home remedies to drive away mosquitoes – also to get rid of the itch.

Ointments from the pharmacy, spit, onions, electronic bite healers with heat, pressing an “X” on the spot with your fingernails: Anyone who has ever had a mosquito bite has probably already tried many of these things. But the annoying itching just won’t stop. A practical household remedy can help – and you can find it on every corner.

The annoying mosquitoes cause itching, an unpleasant feeling and swelling in summer. Various remedies help against the itching. © Andreas Gora/Imago

Mosquito bite ointment: Easily fight the itch with a home remedy

Ribwort plantain, also known as spit herb, lung leaf or snake’s tongue, helps against itching after a mosquito bite. Mein-schoener-garten.de provides information about this. As its name suggests, it grows along the roadside, but can also be found in meadows. Ribwort plantain can be recognized by its pointed leaves with longitudinal grooves and small white hairs. It grows up to 60 centimeters high, bears white ears of corn and can be found from spring to September.

Home remedies for itching: ointment with plantain helps after mosquito bites

Plantain contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances as well as tannins that support wound healing. In addition to mosquito bites, it should also be effective for skin irritation, nettles or small scratches.

A handful of fresh plantain leaves
100ml olive oil or other vegetable oil
12g beeswax

To do this, either simply pick the leaves, grate them and press on the sting, or – to preserve the effect – make a plantain ointment. Then the effect of the plant can be used regardless of the season.

Ribwort plantain against itching from mosquito bites: Preserve the effect in the form of an ointment

To do this, cut the plantain into small pieces and fill it in a disinfected screw-top jar, fill the jar with oil so that the leaves are covered and leave the whole thing tightly closed for two weeks – shake once a day. Then filter through a fine sieve with a cotton cloth in it and heat the finished oil together with the beeswax. Decant the finished ointment and screw-top jars or similar containers so that it can be kept for several months.

As if the little bloodsuckers weren’t annoying enough, there are more and more of them in Germany. Also spread dangerous mosquito species in this country. (Lea-Sophie Mollus)

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