[국제]U.S. plans to sail through Taiwan Strait… Countermeasures by neutralizing China’s middle line

13 Chinese military planes cross the Taiwan Strait midline
Taiwan launches fighter sortie and air defense missile system
Taiwan Strait midline, unofficial demarcation line declared in 1955
China continues to invade the midline since Pelosi’s visit
Possibility of head-on clash between the US and China over the ‘middle line’ border

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After US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, armed demonstrations by the Chinese military across the Taiwan Strait have become commonplace.

Relations between the two countries are likely to fluctuate once again as the United States announces that warships and military aircraft will pass through the Taiwan Strait.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports


Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense announced yesterday that 13 Chinese military aircraft crossed the midline of the Taiwan Strait.

In response, he said that he had immediately launched a fighter and activated an air defense missile system to track the aircraft.

The Taiwan Strait Midline has its origins in December 1954, when the United States and Taiwan signed the Mutual Defense Treaty.

It is an unofficial demarcation line declared by the US Air Force the following year to prevent a military clash between China and Taiwan.

The Chinese Air Force has protested by force by entering the air defense identification zone, but after House Speaker Pelosi’s visit, the level has been raised by sending military aircraft and warships to the east of the Taiwan Strait midline.

In response, the United States officially announced that it would pass through the Taiwan Strait with warships and military aircraft, causing a stir.

Kurt Campbell, Indo-Pacific Coordinator for the White House National Security Council, said he would take “quiet and decisive steps” to support regional peace and support Taiwan.

US warships have sailed through the Taiwan Strait several times over the years, and the US maintains that there is no problem under international law.

However, since Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, China has been asserting its sovereignty and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait through massive armed protests.

In such a situation, it is observed that the operation of US warships and military aircraft in the Taiwan Strait will have a different meaning than before.

The US and China, which avoided a ‘head-to-head confrontation’ during Chairman Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and China’s first response to it, are expected to clash more steeply over the US military’s passage through the Taiwan Strait.

This is YTN Kang Seong-ok.

YTN Kang Seong-ok (kangsong@ytn.co.kr)

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