Violent attempted robbery of Adriana Aguirre

2023-04-17 16:47:02

As reported by journalist Andrea Bisso in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV and Radio Perfil (FM 101.9), the actress suffered a violent robbery attempt by a thief who pretended to be a “rag”.

As he approached to clean the glass, he saw the portfolio of Adriana Aguirre and an opportunity to rob him, so he started trying to reach through the glass to steal his belongings.

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Seeing that the bag was hooked on the seat belt, he began to struggle to get it, hitting the actress against the glass of the car.

When her husband, Ricardo GarcĂ­a, got out of the car to catch the criminal, he ran out, and the featured He still does not know if he was identified or detained. Another lucky misfortune.


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#Violent #attempted #robbery #Adriana #Aguirre

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