???? INFLATION ALERT | The INDEC announces the April index in minutes

2023-05-12 18:41:09

The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) will announce this afternoon the variation of the Consumer’s price index (IPC-Cost of Living) corresponding to the month of April.

Inflation in March had reached 7.7% according to the agency, after it had reached 6.6% in February. This Friday the president spoke of “psychological inflation” of small merchants.

What is expected of the INDEC inflation index

For their part, financial market consultants estimated that the CPI rose to 7.5% in April, according to the Survey of Market Expectations carried out by the Central Bank (BCRA).

Meanwhile, inflation in the city of Buenos Aires was 7.8% in April, with an accumulated increase of 31.2% in the first four-month period and 110.4% in the interannual measurement, according to what was reported last Monday. by the Buenos Aires General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses (Dgeyc)

The food and non-alcoholic beverages category -with the highest weighting in the IPCBA- led the increases last month in the district, with an increase of 10.4% compared to March, followed by clothing and footwear (9.4%) and household equipment and maintenance (9.3%).

The new data, as planned, will be released this afternoon at 4:00 p.m.

How much was inflation in CĂłrdoba

After the March peak, April inflation in CĂłrdoba slowed down and stood at 6.52% in the province.

#INFLATION #ALERT #INDEC #announces #April #index #minutes

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