North Korea’s Second Attempt at Military Reconnaissance Satellite Launch Imminent, Analysts Say

2023-06-01 21:50:00

[국가우주개발국 현지지도하는 김정은 북한 국무위원장 <사진=조선중앙통신/연합뉴스>]
Analysts say that North Korea, which failed to launch its first military reconnaissance satellite, may soon attempt a second launch.

NK News, a media specializing in North Korea, published the results of analyzing photos and commercial satellite photos released by the Korean Central News Agency on the 1st in local time.

NK News reported, “North Korea’s ‘Chollima-1’ launch on the 30th of last month was made from a new launch pad at the Seohae Satellite Launching Station in Dongchang-ri, North Pyongan Province. Busy movements are being observed at the existing Seohae Satellite Launching Pad.”

“In the days leading up to the launch, many vehicles were observed around the existing launch pad, cranes were also deployed, and a transport structure with rails was placed alongside the launch tower,” added NK News.

“All of these were signs that past launches were imminent,” he predicted. “This movement around the existing launch pad could indicate that another launch is imminent.”

Previously, the North Korean space development agency announced that it launched the military reconnaissance satellite Manri-gyeong-1 on a new satellite carrier rocket Chollima-1 at the Dongchang-ri launch site on the 31st of last month, but crashed due to a problem with the second stage engine. He said he would carry out a car launch.

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