Analyzing the Argentine Presidential Elections: Milei vs Massa and the Future of Argentina

2023-10-25 02:02:52

01:41 GMT, October 25, 2023

Fabian Cardozo

Uruguayan journalist

After the first round of the Argentine presidential elections, the Rio de la Plata political analyst Victor Tarico spoke with GPS Internacional about the prospects for the runoff, within the framework of the political communication course that he will develop at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic .

Read on SputnikSergio Massa, from the ruling Unión por la Patria, and economist Javier Milei, from La Libertad Avanza, will define who will be the next president of Argentina in the second electoral round, which will take place on November 19.

After the result, the future president will take office on December 10. In this regard, “we are facing a surprising result, with a tough defeat for Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich, while a great comeback was observed for Peronism,” indicated the scholar consulted.

In this framework, “the issue of the campaign was not so much the Government’s economic policy, but Milei’s proposals, many of them being absurd, contrary to Argentine political traditions and the interests of the majority of the people,” he said.

Sergio Massa’s great rise was due, to a large extent, “to the fear that Milei’s positioning in its most radical version generated in the electorate,” he indicated. “Now a process of reconfiguration of forces begins.”

The possible winner of the second round

Although the runoff is not defined, because mathematically both have possibilities, “Massa has a better outlook to build agreements and succeed,” he estimated.

This great comeback had to do with militancy, “so the result is a great incentive for it, which is not minor,” he concluded. Tarico is one of the speakers of the political communication course that will be held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic (Uruguay) during November.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza, unsustainable

The US and the European Union, who look on impassively, “have no capacity to stop this massacre,” Chilean analyst Esteban Silva told Sputnik.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attacked hundreds of military targets in the Gaza Strip over the past day, according to an official statement posted on social media.

In this framework, “among the causes of this permanent conflict, Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory stands out, which intensifies a controversy that continues to this day,” said the analyst.

Therefore, “we are facing a colonial strategy to occupy armedly, through settlers.”

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict did not begin weeks ago, but rather dates back much earlier, so “the narratives, which are part of the confrontation, are changing,” he said.

Regarding this, the warlike stance of the Government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “tries to make us believe that it is bombing with precision,” he said. However, “Israeli attacks have targeted schools and hospitals, with a brutal toll of some 6,000 Palestinians dead, which constitutes a crime against humanity,” he lamented.

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#Argentina #Massa #positioned #favorite #win #runoff

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