IT-KV: Over 2,000 employees demonstrate for a fair salary agreement

2024-01-24 17:31:14

7th round of negotiations tomorrow, January 25th

Vienna. (OTS) – Over 2,000 employees in the IT industry today followed the call of the GPA union to demonstrate in front of the Chamber of Commerce (WKO) in Vienna for a fair salary agreement. ++++

The head of negotiations for the GPA union, Sandra Steiner, emphasized that the economic data clearly shows that the IT industry is not a crisis industry. “It is our right to participate in the success of the industry in the form of a fair salary increase. It is the employees who ensure the success of the company. Our current demand for an actual salary increase of 8.8 percent and 9.5 percent on the minimum salaries is responsible and not excessive. Employees in the industry also suffer from high inflation and have a right to a fair, secure salary increase. “The current offer from employers is far removed from reality and creates destabilization in a well-functioning industry that is desperately looking for skilled workers,” said Steiner.

The chairwoman of the GPA union, Barbara Teiber, was impressed by the large turnout at the demonstration. She once again pointed out the government’s failure to combat high inflation: “Where were the employers, where was the Chamber of Commerce when we asked them to join us in putting pressure on the government? We would have expected more support. The IT industry is not doing badly and the successes are only possible thanks to the manpower of the employees. We miss respect and appreciation from employers,” said Teiber at the rally in front of the WKO.

In the IT industry with 90,000 employees, after six rounds of negotiations, there is still no collective agreement (KV) for this year. According to the GPA union, the employers’ final offer was 6.25 percent of the actual salary amount and 7.25 percent of the collective bargaining agreement minimum salaries. The basis for negotiations is the average annual inflation of 7.8 percent. The seventh round of negotiations will take place on Thursday, January 25th.

Questions & Contact:

GPA union – public relations
Mag. Martin Panholzer
Tel.: 05 0301-21511
Mobil: 05 0301-61511

#ITKV #employees #demonstrate #fair #salary #agreement

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