Prevention Workshops for Seniors: A Collaborative Program by Harmonie Mutuelle and Générations Sud Lot

2024-04-04 03:13:00

Harmonie Mutuelle, in partnership with Générations Sud Lot, the town halls and seniors’ clubs of Barguelonne-en-Quercy and Lendou-en-Quercy, are organizing this spring a coordinated program of six prevention workshops dedicated to people over 55 on different themes, every Thursday and Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., starting April 18 (Thursday in Bagat-en-Quercy, Friday in Saint-Cyprien).

On April 18 and 19, the theme proposed is boarding for the passport and the presentation of the ICOPE program which aims to delay dependence by early identification of factors of fragility among seniors. On April 25 and 26 we will talk about memory, which is sometimes failing among the elderly. The more memory is used, the better it can be preserved and cultivated in the long term. A fun theater workshop with sketches, exercises and mnemonic tips is set up. May 16 and 31 are dedicated to sleep, essential for our physical and mental balance. A psychologist will lead this workshop, providing the knowledge and information necessary to understand how sleep works. She will explain the favorable behaviors to adopt for good sleep, and thus learn to put an end to insomnia. She will provide practical advice as well as relaxation and breathing techniques to manage difficult nights. The subject of May 17 and 23 will be diet, an important factor in preserving one’s health. The workshop will be led by a dietitian who will give simple and practical advice for reconciling good nutrition and pleasure. On June 13 and 14, we will discuss physical activity and the prevention of falls which have physical, psychological and social consequences that can reduce the quality of life of individuals. During a healthy walk around the village, an adapted physical activity teacher will provide information and advice for maintaining balance, a precious asset to preserve. The last workshop will take place on June 27 and 28. It will focus on the ICOPE health prevention self-test during a 30-minute individual interview.

Free participation, registration required at or 07 88 11 53 02.

#BarguelonneenQuercy #Prevention #workshops #aging

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