Risk of further civilian casualties, especially children – 2024-05-11 09:05:46

Josep Borrell spoke of the risk of further heavy civilian casualties in Rafah, home to 600,000 children, following the military operation launched by Israel yesterday.

Coming to the EU Foreign Affairs Council, in which EU development ministers participate, because issues of reconstruction and support in Palestinian territories, but also in Ukrainian territories, will be discussed, the EU High Representative described as “sad” the fact that despite warnings from the entire international community, the Israel last night launched a ground attack on Rafa.

“The latest sad news is that there has been no ceasefire agreement. THE Hamas accepted her, Israel rejected her. The ground offensive in Rafah has resumed, despite calls from the international community, the US, EU member states and all those asking the Netanyahu not to attack Rafa,” Borrell said.

At the same time, as reported by APE-MPE, he expressed his concern saying: “I am afraid that this will again cause many civilian casualties. No matter what they say there are 600,000 children in Gaza. They say they will be transferred to the so-called safety zones. There are no safe zones in Gaza.” He noted that the political dimension of this crisis will be discussed at the next Council of Foreign Ministers, describing the situation as “very worrying” and warning of an even greater humanitarian crisis.

Borel: Israel’s evacuation orders are unacceptable

Yesterday the EU High Representative, in a message to X, described Israel’s evacuation orders as “unacceptable”, warning that they “presage the worst: more war and hunger”.

Regarding the aid of the EU member states to the United Nations Organization for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Z. Borrell emphasized that after the report prepared by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Catherine Colonna, there is no reason for not continuing all payments seamlessly.

The head of UNRWA, Filipe Lazzarini, in a letter to the EU High Representative, requested that the payments to the UN agencies be started again. “I am sure that the ministers will support this request. Indeed, all member states have resumed their support for UNRWA,” Borrell said.

Besides, according to iefimerida, the EU Development Ministers will also discuss the issue of Ukraine and, above all, the recovery plan drawn up by Kiev to benefit from the EU’s financial assistance of 50 billion euros until 2027.

Z. Borel explained that this is the reform and investment program that Ukraine has submitted to the European Commission, which was positively evaluated, stressing that “today we will see how we will mobilize the 50 billion euros to support reforms in Ukraine and itself the country”.

The Council is expected to approve the Ukrainian program in mid-May, possibly at the Ecofin Council meeting on Tuesday 14 May. The amount of 6 billion euros has already been paid to Kiev as bridge financing.

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#Risk #civilian #casualties #children

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