
Vytautas Nekrošius. Why destroy a secure debt assortment system? | Enterprise

In accordance with the concept of ​​the Ministry of Finance, sooner or later VMI may write off funds from debtors’ accounts for, for instance, unpaid fines or different unfulfilled obligations. Accordingly, bailiffs could be entrusted …
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Vytautas Nekrošius. Why destroy a secure debt assortment system? | Enterprise

In accordance with the concept of ​​the Ministry of Finance, sooner or later VMI may write off funds … Read more

AMLO denies homicide of indigenous household in Chiapas

MEXICO CITY.- The president Andrés Manuel López Obrador denied {that a} household had been murdered in an armed … Read more

González Urrutia affords peaceable change in Venezuela

CARACAS (EFE/AP).— The presidential candidate of the principle anti-Chavista bloc, Edmundo González Urrutia, promised yesterday that, if he … Read more

Mortality because of viral hepatitis, on the rise: what are the signs and their remedy

GENEVA.— Close to 1.3 million folks died from viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D or E) on the … Read more

Xavi says goodbye with victory

The historic Xavi Hernández closed his cycle as Barcelona coach yesterday with a 2-1 victory on his go … Read more