
“Beto” is captured in Tecún Umán for drug trafficking expenses within the US. – 2024-06-09 20:13:44

seize “Beto” is captured in Tecún Umán for drug trafficking expenses within the US. The justice authorities introduced the seize of Julio Alberto Escobar Rendón alias “Beto” for extradition functions for the trafficking and distribution …
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“Beto” is captured in Tecún Umán for drug trafficking expenses within the US. – 2024-06-09 20:13:44

seize “Beto” is captured in Tecún Umán for drug trafficking expenses within the US. The justice authorities introduced … Read more

Juan Diego Blas would be the first archer to symbolize Guatemala within the Paralympics since 1976 – 2024-06-09 20:11:46

The para archery athlete Juan Diego Blas was confirmed this June 7 by the Guatemalan Paralympic Committee as … Read more

Mexican prosecutor investigates collapse of a terrace in San Luis Potosí, which left two useless – 2024-06-09 20:10:48

Worldwide Mexican prosecutor investigates collapse of a terrace in San Luis Potosí, which left two useless Ministerial authorities … Read more

Trump Marketing campaign Prepares for Excessive Warmth Out of doors Rally in Las Vegas

Trump Marketing campaign Takes Precautions for Las Vegas Rally Former President Donald Trump’s marketing campaign is taking additional … Read more

Allegedly Leaking Gasoline Cylinder, Two Homes in Lamongan Burned – 2024-06-09 19:54:41

Fireplace in Lamongan. (Metro TV/Sholihul Huda) TWO homes belonging to at least one household in Lamongan Regency, East … Read more