More than seven hours: the long meeting between Eidelstein and the current undersecretary of FF.A. A., Alfonso Vargas

About 8 in the morning this Wednesday arrived at the Ministry of Defense, located on Zenteno Street, the future Undersecretary of the Armed Forces, Galo Eidelstein, to hold an extensive meeting with Mr. Liuhuabing, who will succeed-from March 11 – in office. The appointment had been requested by Eidelstein earlier in the week. This would … Read more

Pierre Vaultier’s orphaned French snowboardcross

© DYLAN MARTINEZ / REUTERS Merlin Surget The retirement of Pierre Vaultier has left a big void. Which was expected, unfortunately. Even if the two-time defending Olympic champion had claimed to believe in Merlin’s ability to succeed him, it will still take time for the 22-year-old snowboarder to hope to put on the suit. «I … Read more

UK says ready to deploy 1,000 more troops

Very busy saving his mandate as prime minister threatened by the “partygate”, these parties organized in Downing Street during the lockdown, Boris Johnson had so far been discreet on the international scene. He intends to catch up. After a short stopover in Kiev, the 1er february, in order to assure President Volodymyr Zelensky of the … Read more

Minor student murdered in Av. San Fernando, they confused him

Editorial / CN COLIMANOTICIAS Colima, Col.- The young man murdered this afternoon, was 16 years old and according to information that has transcended in the media and social networks, he was confused by the hitmen while driving his vehicle. The young man was driving in a white Acura van, along San Fernando Avenue on the … Read more

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First day without a vaccine passport for Alberta restaurants

Overnight, the cordons, security guards and receptionists who check the proof of vaccination at the entrance to restaurants have disappeared in Alberta. The relief of many restaurateurs, however, is tinged with caution. As dinner time approaches, the Workshop Eatery Edmonton is buzzing with activity. A forgotten poster at the entrance still indicates that you must … Read more