Prepaid medicine: annul resolution

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As of April 2022, Res. 310/2004 of the Superintendency of Health Services and 27/2022 of the Ministry of Health of the Nation entered into force, which determine changes in the discount that Prepaid Medicine entities must apply on medications. for chronic diseases.

With this change, instead of providing differential coverage of 70% discount on drugs for chronic diseases, this discount is now provided for the active ingredient that the drug has. In this way, the differential coverage is limited to 73 active ingredients (399 medicines listed as of April 2022) and the previous resolution that reached all chronic disease patients in the country is null and void.

This modification has an impact on the economy of thousands of Argentines (among them I include myself and my family) who already bear the recurring price increases in prepaid medicine coverage plans and also in medicines without which it would be more difficult for us to carry a normal life due to the disease itself.

We need the Ministry of Health of the Nation to annul resolution 27/2022 and reestablish the validity of the previous resolution that it replaced. This change does not impact the national budget since the same resolution defines that “70% of its reference price (PR) will be covered by the financing agent (eg social work or prepaid medicine entity)” which is the situation contemplated until now. on 01/07/2022 when it was published in the Official Gazette.

Ezekiel Gavazza

Buenos Aires

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