WWF calls for completion of first biodiversity treaty | Environment

Illustration. (Source: AFP/VNA) International Fund for the Protection of Nature (WWF) on February 14 called on governments to protect the world’s oceans by finalizing the High Seas Treaty during negotiations at the United Nations in New York this March. According to WWF senior expert on global ocean policy and management, Jessica Battle, the first treaty … Read more

Solar farms as refuges for biodiversity?

The fields of photovoltaic panels, or “solar farms”, are sometimes implicated in the fall in biodiversity in the countryside, because it is very often vast areas that have had to be deforested. What if the solar power industry could actually reduce its impact on the environment by creating islands for wildlife? Solutions that are part … Read more

The “One Health” approach.. A triple plan to confront epidemics and emergencies

revealed Corona pandemic about huge weaknesses and problems in global health security systems, but a new research series, published in the journal “LancetMedical, sheds light on a health approach that may hold a solution to these problems. The new study considered that these problems can only be solved by implementing a global approach known as … Read more

Manatees in Florida: Can manatees still be saved?

Too many are still dying But have these “unprecedented acts” actually achieved anything? When asked by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, a spokeswoman said the mass deaths of manatees were “an ongoing event.” The current manatee mortality statistics are enough from January 1, 2022 to December 2, 2022. In that period, 760 manatees have … Read more

Unesco appoints Argentine chef Colagreco ambassador of biodiversity | TRENDS

Overwhelmed by emotion, the Argentine chef Mauro Colagreco (La Plata, 1976) was appointed in Paris as UNESCO ambassador in favor of biodiversity for the work he does in defense of the environment through his award-winning restaurants. After the tango player Susana Rinaldi in 1992, he is the second Argentine to achieve this honorary title, which … Read more

their fascinating world through macro photography

Crawling, flying, with many legs (sometimes too many), insects often cause a feeling of disgust, even inspire fear. However, their world is full of fascinating peculiarities, all the more so when looking at their universe a little closer! Magnified by the technique of macro photography, these little creatures have many particularities that we would not … Read more

For COP27, African civil society is organizing an African climate caravan

Published on : 05/10/2022 – 11:32 African civil society wishes to speak with one voice in order to be heard in the climate negotiations, at the pre-COP in Kinshasa and at the COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, through an unprecedented initiative: the African caravan for the climate. 375 organizations have come together to collect the demands … Read more