The three major U.S. stock indexes collectively closed lower, with technology stocks among the top losers_Zhangchao_Cruise_ASML

2022-04-06 04:04 source:Financial Associated Press Original title: The three major U.S. stock indexes collectively closed down, with technology stocks among the top losers The three major U.S. stock indexes collectively closed lower, with technology stocks among the top losers [The three major U.S. stock indexes collectively closed down with the highest declines in technology stocks]Cailian … Read more

What disease affected the health of Gerardo Rozín – News

The animator and producer Gerardo Rozincreator of the successful musical program “La peña de Morfi”, passed away this Thursday after spending several days hospitalized in “delicate state”as the station on which the program airs had indicated, phone. The driver had been having health problems for quite some time, but there was always great secrecy about … Read more

The intimate bond that unites Mauricio Israel with Don Francisco: “I saw him cry with pain” | TV and Show

Shortly after his return to television, the former news anchor suffered the loss of a friend, which revealed the close bond he shares with Don Francisco. The former news anchor Mauricio Israel made a striking post on his Instagram last Wednesday that would reveal the brotherly bond he shares with animator Mario Kreutzbergeralso know as … Read more