Understanding Anemia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

2023-11-01 11:00:00 When experiencing momentary dizziness, most people think of ‘anemia.’ Of course, if you have anemia, you may feel dizzy, but if you only understand dizziness as a symptom of anemia, you may miss early diagnosis and treatment. We asked Hidoc experts about the causes and symptoms of anemia. Dizziness is not the only … Read more

Understanding and Treating Milia and Ductal Tumors: Expert Advice from Liwon Dermatology Clinic

2023-10-31 11:00:00 In this series, we share skin health concerns that change every month. We provide clear answers and useful tips for monthly skin diseases that everyone is curious about, with experts from Liwon Dermatology Clinic. An increasing number of people are experiencing stress due to the lumpy lesions under the eyes that began to … Read more

Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Reduce Health Risks

2023-10-30 10:00:00 There are two types of belly fat. Subcutaneous fat accumulates just below the skin outside the abdominal cavity and visceral fat accumulates around the internal organs within the abdominal cavity. The risk varies depending on the type of fat. Subcutaneous fat may look unsightly, but it does not actually have a direct negative … Read more

Alcohol, Processed Foods, and Weight Gain: Avoiding High Calorie and High Sugar Content for Better Health

2023-10-30 01:55:38 Alcohol with high calorie and sugar content… Processed foods high in trans fatty acids should be avoided Entered 2023.10.30 10:44 Views 21 Entered 2023.10.30 10:44 Views 21 Repeated heavy drinking over a long period of time can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of alcoholic dementia. [사진 = 게티이미지뱅크] Foods that … Read more

Effective Cabbage Diet for Quick Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide and Meal Plan

2023-10-29 10:00:00 Written by Fatima Khalil Sunday, October 29, 2023 12:00 PM Diet Cabbage soup It is one of the diets that help to lose weight. This diet includes eating cabbage soup for a week while gradually introducing other low-calorie foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, into the diet throughout the week. According to … Read more

Why Women Live Longer: Insights from Doctors on Physiology, Behavior, Diet, and More!

2023-10-28 10:30:00 Doctors list 5 reasons why women live longer than men. (Image/Pexels) Why women live longer than men has always been a topic of concern from all walks of life. In this regard, many doctors have pointed out that women have advantages over men in key factors such as physiology, behavior, diet, emotions, and … Read more

Effective Weight Control Strategies for Middle-Aged Individuals: Importance of Strength Training and Hormonal Changes

2023-10-29 05:44:47 It is difficult for middle-aged people to control their weight due to muscle loss and hormonal changes… strength training should be done concurrently Entered 2023.10.29 14:44 Views 8 Entered 2023.10.29 14:44 Modified 2023.10.29 14:54 Views 8 If you are having trouble losing weight, it is best to control your diet and combine muscle … Read more

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Eating Habits: Improve Your Body and Mind with Proper Nutrition

2023-10-27 04:00:00 Hidoc medical reporter Jihyeon Kim, exercise expertㅣSource: Hidoc The health of our body and mind is greatly influenced by what food we eat and how we eat it. Eating right isn’t just important for managing your weight. Eating right has many benefits, including preventing disease, improving energy, and feeling better. Here are some … Read more