How Ear Piercings Impact Skin Microbiome: New Study Findings

2023-12-11 20:00:00 Having jewelry stuck in your ear can radically change the skin’s microbiome, a new study shows. You may not know it, but the skinlike the intestines, is home to billions of microorganismsmainly bacteria. We’re talking about the microbiome, a term from the Greek micro, “small”, and bios, “life”. This environment, if it is … Read more

Shocking incident: Man drives without a license, bites partner, and tears off ear – Latest news and updates

2023-10-22 17:40:44 The 28-year-old young man nevertheless got back behind the wheel and drove without a license! This caused an argument which continued at the couple’s home in Liège. Both were intoxicated. During this argument, the young man bit his partner and tore off a piece of her ear! The young woman called the police … Read more

Anticipating Hearing Loss Diagnosis through Eye Movements: Breakthrough Research Reveals Early Signs

2023-09-12 17:53:24 Hearing loss is often diagnosed years after the first signs appear. Researchers show how to anticipate the diagnosis by… the look. This will also interest you [EN VIDÉO] Scratching your ear… yes, but under MRI! An actor agrees to be filmed while scratching his ear. Only, he is under… Of previous studies showed … Read more

Protecting Your Health at the Pool: Common Diseases and Prevention Strategies

2023-07-22 06:00:00 More and more people are looking for swimming pools, water parks, and water playgrounds to escape the heat. However, even if you can forget the heat while playing in the water, you must remember that various diseases lurk. Find out what are the typical diseases that can occur in swimming pools, and how … Read more

“Spider Found in Chinese Woman’s Ear: Shocking Discovery at the Hospital”

2023-04-27 17:30:00 A Chinese woman went to the hospital because she thought she was suffering from tinnitus, but she didn’t expect doctors to find such a thing in her ear. In order to find out what exactly the patient was suffering from, the specialists inserted a camera probe into her ear. That’s when they made … Read more

[리뷰] Dear Buds SE: A device that makes my ears soft – Cnet Korea

(Cnet Korea = Reporter Hong Sang-hyeon) As the times change, it has become an era where earphones are naturally worn in the ears like ‘AirPods’ and ‘Galaxy Buzz’. Now, not only when listening to music, but also when making calls, using voice assistants, playing games, or enjoying media content, earphones are continuously used for a … Read more