The cobalt goblins and other stories from hell | Science

In the 1730s, Swedish physician Georg Brandt (1694-1768) discovered cobalt as the first substance other than iron to be attracted to a magnet. And Brandt named it cobalt due to certain magical references, since the word cobalt derives from the word kobold (coboldo) which in German means elf. Because in Germany, miners in the Middle … Read more

The cobalt goblins and other stories from hell | Science

In the 1730s, Swedish physician Georg Brandt (1694-1768) discovered cobalt as the first substance other than iron to be attracted to a magnet. And Brandt named it cobalt due to certain magical references, since the word cobalt derives from the word kobold (coboldo) which in German means elf. Because in Germany, miners in the Middle … Read more