Boost Your Mental Health and Find Positive Energy: Effective Tricks and Tips

2023-09-05 04:00:00 Fatima Yasser Tuesday, 05 September 2023 07:00 AM Do you feel stress and mental exhaustion, then you need to avoid and let go of all the things that cause you to feel the negative energies that affect your health significantly, by doing some tricks that help in feeling positive energyAnd also to have … Read more

Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Well-being Hormones for Joyful Living

2023-08-05 17:19:22 Stimulating joy and happiness is possible. Within the clinical spectrum there is a group of hormones known as ‘well-being hormones’, some of the best known are dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin, which receive that name since they usually produce feelings happy, that is, joy, explains the Harvard Medical School (HMS) of USA. To … Read more

Soccer Trivia: Sweet Moment Shared by Soccer Player in Search of New Team

2023-07-11 17:04:39 soccer trivia The soccer player, who hopes to find a new team, shared a sweet moment. James Rodriguez and Salome Photo: Taken from Instagram @jamesrodriguez10 By: Writing Footballred July 11, 2023, 12:02 p.m. m. One day left. And she, the woman of his life, knows it. That’s why she anticipated and, although she … Read more

The Secrets of Happiness: Lessons from Finnish Philosopher and Psychologist Frank Martel

2023-07-08 11:41:16 Uppers Writing 07/08/2023 1:41 p.m. Strengthening ties with other people is taking a step towards happiness, according to this expert.Getty. Finnish philosopher and psychologist Frank Martel has spent several years investigating the foundation of happiness. For the expert, happiness consists of what the Japanese call ‘ikigai’, the purpose, the ultimate meaning of all … Read more

Unlock Your Happiness: Activating the Power of Happiness Hormones

2023-06-21 13:14:24 The experts assure that We cannot always be happy, permanent happiness is impossible, but we can aspire to have moments with a high degree of well-being and inner peace.with which we feel satisfied with the life we ​​lead. [El precio de la felicidad en España: ¿cuánto dinero necesitas?] But How can we get … Read more