They use fake travel agencies in Mexico for human trafficking

MEXICO CITY.- The Colombian government denounced the existence of a network of fake travel agencies for human trafficking. In a joint statement, the Consulate General of Colombia in Mexico and the Embassy of Colombia in Mexico denounced the “existence of a network of fake travel agencies “who are dedicated to human trafficking and scam our … Read more

Life+Style: Andrew Tate went so far in his admiration for Orbán that he would invest his money in Hungary

Life+Style: Andrew Tate went so far in his admiration for Orbán that he would invest his money in Hungary | Would you like to receive the most important news immediately? No please Please Click to turn on notifications “Please” button! The notification function is available in the following browsers:Chrome 61+, Firefox 57+, Safari 10.1+ … Read more

Bakery in Merksem District of Antwerp Closed for Human Trafficking and Public Health Violations

2023-12-15 17:03:00 A bakery in the Antwerp district of Merksem and three of its workshops were temporarily closed by order of the mayor of Antwerp, Bart De Wever (N-VA), for human trafficking and endangering safety and health public. Twelve of the thirteen employees were in an irregular situation and several of them were housed in … Read more

Thai Police Arrest Six Mainland Beggars Suspected of Human Trafficking in Thailand

2023-11-28 08:28:24 Six mainland beggars were arrested by the police in Thailand on the 22nd of this month. (Picture/reproduced from Chengshi Interactive) Six mainland beggars were arrested by the police in Thailand on the 22nd of this month. They were suspected to be victims of international human trafficking. The Thai police investigated the matter at … Read more

Bringing ‘Sound of Freedom’ to Honduran Theaters: The Government’s Response and Public Demand

2023-07-16 16:14:00 On social media, Hondurans have been asking to screen the movie “Sound of Freedom” in Honduran theaters. Tegucigalpa, Honduras The Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Decentralization reported through a statement that there was no positive response to the request to introduce the famous film “Sound of Freedom” into the country. As he … Read more

they believe they used recovering addicts to profit from their work

2023-07-13 15:00:00 A very serious suspicion centered on a well-known non-governmental organization (NGO) that, for several years, has been struggling to recover young people and adults who have fallen into the hell of drugs and addictions. A judge suspects that in different branches of the NGO Remar, the money obtained from the sale of products … Read more