Explosion at a restaurant in China 2024-03-14 16:22:42

“At the moment”, the authorities are talking about “one dead and 22 injured”, the CCTV network said, clarifying that the explosion at the restaurant, which mainly offered grilled chicken, was a gas leak. The store was based in a village belonging to Yangjiao Municipality, about 50 kilometers east of Beijing. The explosion, which occurred at … Read more

Upgrade by 4 levels of PPC’s evaluation by the CDP Organization 2024-03-14 16:21:15

With the transformation on track, PPC Group is continuously improving its performance in critical areas related to climate change, and is now ranked in the 37% of companies rated ‘B-‘ by CDP, a position higher than with the world average. As highlighted in a related announcement, the upgrade of PPC’s rating by CDP is mainly … Read more

He messes with SYRIZA by calling the law wrong 2024-03-14 11:37:16

He called the SYRIZA law of 2016, which referred to the businesses of politicians abroad, “wrong”, while at the same time he declared that he had transferred all of his holdings to foreign companies. With this remark, Stefanos Kasselakis once again wanted to clarify that he is not active in any business abroad. Speaking to … Read more

Weather: Rain with heat – See detailed forecast 2024-03-14 11:36:18

Clouds will be denser in the eastern and northern continental areas and in the Peloponnese. There is the possibility of temporary rains of a local nature in Northern Greece. The temperature will vary in Western Macedonia from -2 to 14 degrees, in the rest of Northern Greece from -1 to 17, in Epirus from 4 … Read more

Gunmen kidnap another 61 people in Kaduna 2024-03-14 11:34:26

Gangs have been terrorizing parts of northern Nigeria for over a decade, targeting villagers, commuters, schoolchildren and students, kidnapping for ransom, and also frequently committing looting and killings. The gunmen attacked the Buda community around midnight on Monday, shooting sporadically, residents said. Kidnappings often take place in remote villages. Lawal Abdullahi, who was not in … Read more

UEFA Youth League: Olympiacos will face Nantes for qualification to the grand final 2024-03-14 11:31:35

Earlier, the “red and whites” got a great victory in Germany with a score of 3-1 against Bayern Munich and qualified for the next stage. Now, the team of Sotiris Sylaidopoulos is called upon to overcome the obstacle of Nantes, who eliminated Copenhagen on penalties (5-4), after a very nice match that ended 3-3 in … Read more

The short-haired Kasselakis and the holidays in the army 2024-03-14 06:53:36

The paper has arrived and Mr. Kasselakis is preparing to serve the motherland. After making suggestions for the channel’s report, he pointed out that he will never take a vacation in the army. “To correct something that was unacceptable yesterday in your report, where you said that I will be on vacation in the camp, … Read more

“Lent Basket”: When does it premiere? 2024-03-14 06:52:33

The measure will be valid until May 4, 2024 and the products that will be included in the “Lent Basket” will be halva, fasting salads (spreads – e.g. eggplant salads, taramo salads, etc.) but also frozen seafood (at least two types). At the same time, the decision for the products in the “Household Basket” continues … Read more