“Government of Tajikistan Buys Mexican Presidential Plane: AMLO to Invest Proceeds in Hospital Construction”

2023-04-21 01:15:03 Through his Twitter account, the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed that, today, the purchase-sale contract for the presidential plane, acquired by the Government of Tajikistanwho deposited thousand 658 million 684 thousand 400 pesos. The Boeing 787 was acquired by the ex-Soviet Asian nation, and the transaction has already been completed; they have … Read more

Coahuila will have maximum temperatures of 40 °C today; a new cold front is coming to the northern border

2023-04-20 13:25:31 Days of weather changes are coming for the northern border from Mexico with a new cold front forecasted, today April 20according to National Metereological Service of the National Water Commission. About Coahuilathe cold will be in interaction with a dry line and with the subtropical jet stream, generating rainy with possible hail and … Read more

Interjet has a debt of 300 million pesos with travel agencies, which will be “complicated to recover”

Interjet has not only announced its bankruptcy, the Mexican Federation of Tourist Associations (Fematur) stated that the airline has a debt of 300 million pesos to travel agencies, which will be “complicated to recover.” Jorge Hernandezpresident of Fematur, explained that in this scenario the company assets aviation will not be enough to pay the creditors. … Read more

FGE confirms the suicide of former official Antonio Tarín, key witness in the César Duarte case

CHIHUAHUA, CHIH.- The Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Chihuahua reported the death Antonio Enrique Tarín García, a former government official former governor of Chihuahua, Cesar Duarte. The former director of Acquisitions and Services of the Chihuahua State Treasury Secretariat was also accused of collaborating in a scheme to divert funds with which they would have … Read more