Understanding the Early Symptoms and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer – Expert Advice by Professor Valery Igeyev

2023-11-30 03:33:45 Al-Marsad newspaper: Professor Valery Igeyev revealed the initial symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Pancreas cancer Egeyev said that pancreatic cancer can be suspected early when signs such as jaundice, diarrhea, or constipation are noticed, noting: There are symptoms that a person should not ignore, such as unexpected jaundice, diarrhea, or constipation, loss of appetite, … Read more

Diseases of the Digestive System: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

2023-11-16 06:00:00 The digestive system is one of the most important organs of the body that has many functions, but there are many diseases that affect the digestive system and affect the health of the body. According to the Medicinenet website, the most common diseases of the digestive system are: 1: Constipation Constipation is most … Read more

Comprehensive Guide to Pancreatic Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment Options

2023-10-30 15:00:00 Books – Hossam Al-Shaqwiri Monday, October 30, 2023 05:00 PM Cancer occurs Pancreas When cells in the pancreas begin to grow abnormally, leading to the formation of a tumor, the disease is more common among people aged 65 years and older, and factors such as smoking, chronic pancreatitis, family history of pancreatic cancer, … Read more

Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Reduce Health Risks

2023-10-30 10:00:00 There are two types of belly fat. Subcutaneous fat accumulates just below the skin outside the abdominal cavity and visceral fat accumulates around the internal organs within the abdominal cavity. The risk varies depending on the type of fat. Subcutaneous fat may look unsightly, but it does not actually have a direct negative … Read more

Managing Diabetes Complications and Lifestyle: Insights from Director Woo Eun-gyun

2023-06-25 01:00:00 |Director Woo Eun-gyun, a specialist in internal medicine|Risk of complications in young diabetic patients with obesity ↑|Efforts should be made to manage lifestyle and blood sugar According to the ‘2022 Korean Diabetes Fact Sheet’ published by the Korean Diabetes Association, as of 2020, there are about 6.05 million diabetic patients over the age … Read more

Unlocking the Power of Glutathione: A Complete Guide to Skin Whitening, Antioxidant Benefits, and More

2023-06-21 09:05:00 If you are interested in skin whitening, you must have heard of ‘Glutathione’. Glutathione is known as the main ingredient of White Jade Injection, and is attracting attention as a whitening agent. But in fact, glutathione is not known for its whitening effect, but as a powerful antioxidant. I learned more about the … Read more

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Health: Understanding the Risks of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, Cancer, and Growth Retardation

2023-06-06 10:00:00 Professor Matthew Walker, a world-renowned neuroscientist and sleep expert, compared sleep to a life support device and expressed chronic sleep deprivation as ‘self-euthanasia’. In fact, sleep deprivation is a panacea that greatly increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Learn more about the diseases that can be caused by lack of … Read more