Brain-Gut Axis: How Neurological Diseases Impact the Intestines

2023-12-20 00:25:41 Dialogue between brain and gut: Signals from the gut are known to be able to influence our brain. But the “conversation” apparently also works the other way around, as a study reveals. Accordingly, cells also migrate from the brain to the intestines and sometimes bring harmful substances with them. This could explain why … Read more

Parkinson’s Disease Self-Help Group: Havelberg Regional Chapter and Treatment Options

2023-11-26 10:29:00 Havelberg. – For some it comes gradually, for others it occurs acutely: Parkinson’s disease. The symptoms are different, as are the treatment options. For many people, self-help groups are a good thing so that those affected can exchange ideas. Two Havelberg women who are still organized in Stendal also see it that way. … Read more

Defending Against Dementia: New US Study Identifies Hidden Belly Fat as a Risk Factor

2023-11-22 19:17:14 When it comes to dementia, helplessness quickly arises. How can you defend yourself against an illness without a cure? The great hope lies in early detection. A new US study has now identified a new risk factor that can be combated. Dementia is a widespread disease Scientists are discovering more and more risk … Read more

New Research on Brain’s Subthalamic Nucleus and Parkinson’s Treatment Risks

2023-11-10 01:02:22 November 10, 2023, reading time: 4 minutes. New findings from the brain: Researchers have discovered in which area of ​​the brain discomfort and aversion arise. They discovered that activation of the subthalamic nucleus in mice causes severe discomfort. Since this brain region is stimulated therapeutically in Parkinson’s patients, the study could explain why … Read more

Parkinson’s: a patient walks again thanks to a revolutionary implant – Featured

2023-11-07 16:32:43 07 November 2023 A patient with advanced Parkinson’s disease was able to walk again thanks to a neuroprosthesis implanted in the area of ​​the spinal cord that controls leg muscles. Explanations. Marc, who has suffered from Parkinson’s disease for almost 30 years, was fitted two years ago with a neuroprosthesis developed by a … Read more

The Link Between Parkinson’s Disease and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Exploring the Telltale Sleep Disorder

2023-10-03 22:09:11 Parkinson’s disease: telltale sleep disorder – spectrum of science Go directly to the content Login required This article is open to subscribers with access rights to this issue. Parkinson’s disease: telltale sleep behavior Most people barely move while they dream. But anyone who thrashes around wildly in their sleep has an increased risk … Read more

Revolutionizing Medical Imaging: RETFound’s Breakthrough in Disease Detection and Classification

2023-09-14 13:30:00 After training RETFound on around 1.6 million unclassified retinal images, Keane and his colleagues were able to insert a small number of classified images – for example, 100 retinal images from people who had Parkinson’s disease and 100 from people who did not – to teach the model certain disease characteristics. After learning … Read more

Espresso’s Potential Role in Preventing Neurodegenerative Diseases: Research Findings from the University of Verona

2023-07-25 14:37:00 A research team from the University of Verona found in laboratory tests that espresso can effectively inhibit the aggregation of tau proteins. These proteins play a central role in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Together with the amyloid beta proteins, tau proteins are crucially involved in … Read more