Tomorrow, the “twelfth,” they will resume exams for the first semester in physics

Dina Johnny (Dubai) Tomorrow, twelfth grade students in public schools and private schools that implement the Ministry’s curriculum will resume exams for the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023. Students of the general, advanced and elite tracks will take the physics exam on the fifth of December, while students of the applied track will … Read more

Astronomers make an “amazing step” in solving the mystery of the emergence of the Earth

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" According to the newspaper "The Independent" British, the the theory The new ones may explain the chemical composition for the planetIt may also reveal new things about other planets in the solar system. A researcher in experimental planetary science says: "ETH" Zurich in Switzerland, Paolo Soci, The theory usually circulated … Read more

Neutrino sensation not confirmed – spectrum of science

Experts were already treating the find as a sensation, even the word “nobel prize-worthy”: In 2018, scientists from the “MiniBooNE” experiment at the US research laboratory Fermilab near Chicago presented it a puzzling excess of electron neutrinos in their measurements, which did not fit the classical Standard Model of elementary particles. But new data from … Read more

Watch.. Hubble captures a picture of an amazing spiral galaxy

An image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows galaxy M91, a narrow spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma pyreneesis. It is relatively close to us, 55 million light-years away, and is part of our Local Supercluster. M stands for Messier in his name, after the French astronomer Charles Messier who was famous for cataloging the … Read more

Study: One of the fundamental particles of the universe “overturns” the laws of physics

Using data collected by the particle collider in Illinois, scientists have found that the particle, the W boson, has a mass much greater than what the Standard Model of particle physics determined. Scientists have found that there is very little difference in the mass of the W Boson compared to what the Standard Model says … Read more

Linares Hospital incorporates a new ultrasound machine to improve treatments…

LINARES (JAEN), 23 (EUROPA PRESS) The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinical Management Unit of the Hospital San Agustín, in Linares (Jaén), has a new ultrasound machine, which will allow professionals to improve and develop new interventional treatments in musculoskeletal pathologies and in the approach to pain . This equipment, which has involved an investment of … Read more