‘Top 10 causes of death’ changed in the aging era

As we enter an aging society, the causes of death among Koreans are also changing. Dementia, which was not one of the top 10 causes of death in the past, entered the rankings, and pneumonia was also established as one of the leading causes of death. The National Statistical Office announced the results of analysis … Read more

He was bitten by his hand and “shattered his body to pieces”… The crab finally got his revenge. He had chest pain for 1 month and contracted this | International | CTWANT

The man was caught by a crab, so he bit the crab in anger and was infected with paragonimiasis. (Schematic diagram / PIXABAY) A man in mainland China was caught by a crab, and the next second he bit the crab to vent his anger. Unexpectedly, after a month of continuous chest pain, antibiotic treatment … Read more

Pneumonia, the third leading cause of death in Korea, needs to be taken care of before winter arrives

[이미지출처=클립아트코리아] 湲 蹂肄 [아시아경제 영남취재본부 황두열 기자] During the changing seasons with a large daily temperature difference, the number of cases of pneumonia among patients visiting hospitals with cold symptoms is increasing. Pneumonia is a disease in which the lungs are inflamed by various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The lungs, which … Read more

Does the child have pneumonia with a severe cough?Physician: Mainly look at three points | Huang Yanjia | Happy Pediatrics | New York Pediatrics

Children cough, not only parents and children can not sleep well, if the child coughs badly, parents will also worry about whether they are infectedpneumonia. What exactly is pneumonia? How can I tell if my child’s cough is caused by pneumonia? Does the child havepneumonia?Three symptom judgment Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue. Pneumonia … Read more

10 foods that nourish the lungs Help recover Long Covid illness to come back strong.

Open 10 food groups to nourish the lungs Help recover sickness. Try Covid-19 (Long Covid) to come back strong. With no secret tips for taking care of your lung health to come back bright. research found The vast majority of severe coronavirus cases are found to develop “Long COVID” symptoms or long-term health effects. It … Read more

New infections with the “puzzling disease” in Argentina .. similar to Corona

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" Regional Health Minister Luis Medina Ruiz said that all the infected people are linked to one private clinic, adding: "We are listing at least 8 new patients, one patient, two health workers and five health care providers, all of whom have been hospitalized.". The minister confirmed that "There are no … Read more

Corona-like .. Solving the mystery of the deaths of the “mysterious disease” in Argentina

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" The cases were linked to a private hospital in San Miguel de Tucumán, according to the Pan American Health Organization. So far, local health officials have monitored 11 confirmed cases, including 4 deaths. Symptoms include fever, muscle and abdominal pain, and shortness of breath, and many patients have developed an … Read more

Weinan, Shaanxi Province added 1 new local confirmed case yesterday, 1 asymptomatic infection, 4 details announced

According to the news from the Office of the Leading Group for Responding to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic in Weinan City on September 4, from 0-24:00 on September 3, the city reported 1 new local confirmed case and 4 asymptomatic infections. All reports are from Weinan Economic and Technological Development Zone. Basic situation of … Read more