Nabila Makram: More than a thousand Egyptian students in Ukraine do not have proof of their studies there

Ambassador Nabila Makram said, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians AbroadThe ministry launched a form via the electronic platform to record the data of students returning from Ukraine to place them in their academic specialties in Egyptian universities, and continued: “We worked to monitor all the demands of the Egyptian community and students in … Read more

A report by the US Department of Agriculture: Egypt exceeds the wheat crisis with a reserve of 4.5 months

A US Department of Agriculture report, “Grains: Global Markets and Trade,” monitored the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on world wheat and grain imports. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Russia has raised concerns about wheat supply and food security. The report revealed that the war affects the main wheat importers who depend on Black … Read more

Importers Division: The war of Russia and Ukraine raised the prices of commodities globally, including wheat

Matta Bishai, head of the Supply and Internal Trade Committee at the Importers Division, said that Russo-Ukrainian war It caused a significant increase in the prices of goods due to the increase in the price of raw materials, and it is also a major reason for the increase in wheat prices and many production requirements, … Read more