Understanding the Genetic and Environmental Factors of Mental Illness in Children: A Review of 211 Studies

2023-12-15 04:20:00 Children of people with mental illnesses have a higher risk of suffering from the same and different disorders. This is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors that favor the appearance of these ailments and that are more common in some families than in others. Now, a review of 211 studies … Read more

Unlocking the Role of GluD1 in Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Psychiatric Illnesses: New Therapeutic Avenues

2023-12-12 15:44:13 Researchers have discovered the role of a brain regulator involved in certain psychological disabilities (schizophrenia) and neurodevelopmental disorders (autism), making it possible to consider new therapeutic avenues. Electrical study! New major advance in the understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders (TND) and certain psychiatric illnesses? The complexity of the functioning of the brain reveals many … Read more

Navigating the World of Schizophrenia: A Reflection on Patient Rights and Medical Treatment

2023-11-27 14:30:00 Do you still remember Si Cong, who suffers from schizophrenia in “The Distance Between Us and Evil”? Reflections from a patient to a doctor: Is it the patient or the world that has the problem? Article | Good Doctor Health Network Nobita, have you found your Tinker Bell? ──The rights of patients with … Read more

Why Do Older People Talk to Themselves? Causes, Concerns, and Normalcy Explained

2023-09-19 01:48:05 Why do older people talk to themselves? This is a question that often worries us, but the answer is not as simple as it seems. Talking to yourself may be a common activity for people of all ages, but when it comes to older people, it’s natural for concerns about their mental health … Read more

Epigenetic Changes in Cannabis Users: Exploring Infections and Mental Disorders

2023-07-24 12:20:47 Researchers have visualized many epigenetic changes in the blood of cannabis users. These results could explain the infections and certain mental disorders, although further studies will have to prove a causal link. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Interview: Cannabis, an anti-carcinogenic substance? In France, the issue of cannabis remains sensitive since, … Read more

Impact of Chromosomal Deletion on Neurotransmitter Imbalance and Schizophrenia Risk

2023-07-03 05:48:53 Past research has shown that in people at high risk for schizophrenia, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain tend to be abnormal. However, the scientific community has not yet determined whether these changes occur at the onset of clinically relevant symptoms. People with a type of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) have a … Read more

Preventing Obesity and Promoting Mental Health: Latest Research and Tips from Experts

2023-06-03 10:11:00 The number of obese patients in Korea is increasing significantly every year. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey published by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in March, the prevalence of obesity in all age groups increased from 2011 to 2021. In particular, the prevalence of obesity among … Read more