Egypt.. A Roman woman was killed in a shark attack for the second time in days

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" A 68-year-old Austrian woman died last Friday after losing an arm and a foot in another fish attack. Shark I type mako Short fin while swimming in the Red Sea near the city Hurghada coastal. She had announced Egyptian Ministry of Environment In a statement on Sunday, two women were … Read more

Sydney, Beaches closed due to shark attack | Sydney Beaches Close After First Fatal Shark Attack In 60 Years

Sydney: A visit to a beach in Sydney has been banned following the death of a swimmer following a shark attack. Several beaches, including Sydney’s iconic Bondi and Bronze, were closed on Thursday. Authorities have advised people not to go to the beach until the situation calms down and to postpone activities, including swimming competitions. … Read more