Improve Sleep Quality and Overall Health with Regular Exercise and Proper Nutrition: The Importance of Magnesium

2023-08-24 07:00:00 Written by Rania Amer Thursday, August 24, 2023 10:00 am Studies confirm that regular exercise, in addition to good nutrition, enhance the quality of sleep and the general health of the body, and reduce anxiety and disorders that some suffer from, according to what was published by the British Express website. Dr. Naomi … Read more

Understanding Night Terrors in Young Children: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

2023-05-07 08:09:41 In young children, sleep disorders are frequent, sources of disruption in the daily life of the child and his parents. How do night terrors manifest? How to differentiate them from a nightmare and what are the causes? How to react ? Are there treatments? If you have ever experienced night terrors in your … Read more

Health Network “Study on poor sleep and harm to the body: the risk of stroke increases by 5 times with these symptoms-Free Health Network

Developing good sleep habits, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly are the only ways to stay healthy. schematic diagram. (The picture is taken from photoAC) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Have you ever cared about your sleep habits? A study from the University of Galway in Ireland found that people who slept too much or too little … Read more

Chronic fatigue is associated with lack of sleep

Doctor Javier Galvis, a specialist in functional medicine, spoke about the chronic fatigue felt by some people and What factors affect the pathology? In dialogue with RCN World, The specialist stated that one of the reasons is lack of sleep, while adding that “lately and after the pandemic, the use of screens and devices increases … Read more

Have a good sleep.. Here’s how 4-7-8

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" Experts say, according to what was reported by the network "CNN" American, breathing According to the 4-7-8 method, it can be one of the most successful ways to fall asleep, knowing that it is also known as"Breathe Relax". The 4-7-8 method is a relaxation exercise that involves pulling, explains Dr. … Read more

Health Network” is not bitter but more sweet!The Council of Agriculture teaches the “best time” for self-refrigerated tea – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

The Council of Agriculture stated that compared with hot tea, the brewing process of cold-brewed tea is simpler, and cold-brewed tea is less likely to dissolve catechins or caffeine with a bitter taste, so it is less likely to fall asleep after drinking it. No. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Tea is almost a … Read more

Poor sleep can lead to fatty liver disease – healing practice

How are sleep quality and fatty liver disease linked? When people under one unhealthy sleep patterns suffer, for example, sleep poorly at night or regularly take longer naps during the day, this is associated with an increased risk of developing a fatty liver disease tied together. People who do little exercise and who also have … Read more