How to detect vitamin D deficiency.. Know the symptoms and causes

The human body needs a certain amount of vitamin D to function normally, but due to lifestyle, vitamin D requirements are not met and a number of health complications arise and these signs are monitored many times when the disease has already reached a later stage, Therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance of … Read more

A sign that appears when you sleep indicates that you suffer from a vitamin D deficiency.. Get to know it

At this time of year and particularly the winter season, our immune systems work very hard to try to protect us from the different viruses circulating around us, and eating a healthy, balanced diet can help in this process, and some people choose to take supplements as well, especially Vitamin D) As getting it naturally … Read more

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the winter and how to compensate for it through your diet?

Vitamin D deficiency is more common during the winter months, as exposure to the sun decreases in winter due to the large number of clouds, and our bodies obtain vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. In this report, we learn about Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency In the winter and how to compensate your body … Read more