Obscenity Case for Female Patients After Surgery Abandoned Conviction of Male Doctor and Remanded Supreme Court | TBS NEWS

Obscenity Case for Female Patients After Surgery Abandoned Conviction of Male Doctor and Remanded Supreme Court At the appeal of a doctor accused of committing obscene acts on a female patient after surgery, the Supreme Court abandoned the conviction of the second trial, which sentenced him to two years in prison, and remanded the trial … Read more

Anti-Chinese sentiment spreading in South Korea triggered by the Beijing Olympics Affects presidential election | TBS NEWS

Anti-Chinese sentiment spreading in South Korea triggered by the Beijing Olympics Affects presidential election The Beijing Olympics have led to widespread opposition to China in South Korea. What on earth···. reporter“Many people dressed in traditional costumes visit the royal palace of the Joseon Dynasty.” Korean traditional costume “Chima jeogori”. It is causing controversy over the … Read more